Golf Tips, Lessons & Free Instruction


Golf Lessons

   Welcome to, where you will find all the necessary information you need to play better golf, free!  We will even provide you with custom answers to your questions about any part of your golf game.  This great resource will provide you with the fundamental principles of how to improve in golf, some of which are basics, and some you may never even heard of before.  Most of you have had lessons and tips from pros, your friends, husbands/wives, and your neighbor.  But more advice is not necessarily better for your golf game.  Even golf lessons from certified professionals can be a waste of time unless you have done your research and made sure your golf professional is the best person who can improve YOUR golf game, and no one else's.

Top Golf Tip

   So what is the top golf tip? What could be the fundamental, yet revolutionary golf lesson you can receive that might change your game right here, right now, overnight?  There really isn't just ONE of course... if there were, golf would be a very simple game.  However, we can start somewhere.   We all know that in golf, not all "feelings" translate to "real world results."  You may feel like you are swinging the golf club from the inside but the golf ball still starts left.  Or you think you are delofting the clubface, yet you still pop balls up with your irons. No matter what you feel, there are certain facts of golf that are irrefutable, and non-debateable.  These are the fundamentals that are supported by the laws of physics and physiology, and if any golf pro or golf buddy tries to convince you otherwise, they need to go back to school... to junior high school.

Who Is Your Golf Guru?

   This is one of the reasons most amateur golfers are confused about the golf swing.  Many people come saying they heard one thing from one golf pro and then another tip from their single handicap friend.  This happens all the time, whether you are on the range or on the golf course.  So how is an ordinary Joe supposed to know which golf tip to listen to?  How do you know which tip will really help YOUR game at this time?  For most people it is impossible to know. There is so much information out there, that it is actually the job of the golf pro or instructor to understand your game and teach you what YOU need to learn at this time. That is part of the reason why it is never a good idea to simply listen to golf tips from your buddies.  Their advice is truly the Russian Roulette of golf.  Hit and you think miracles... miss and you think they don't know anything about golf... or actually is it the opposite? Either way, luck is not the way to learn this game.






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Most Common Golf Tips:

How to fix a slice
How to hit it farther
How to get more consistent
How to hit a bunker shot
How to hit a flop shot
How to putt better
How to spin the ball back